Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The British Invasion

This past weekend we got to meet our friend Liz's super fun, British boyfriend at the wedding.  In anticipation of meeting him, I had to have a serious chat with Dave.  Dave enjoys butchering all sorts of accents at any occasion.  He actually sat through my family's Thanksgiving brunch in an adult turkey costume while speaking in a Russian accent.  I was (secretly) impressed that he made it to cocktail hour before whipping out his British accent in front of Ben.  Also, the bride is Russian and her dad's accent was showcased during his Father of the Bride speech.  Dave's head almost exploded.  So in keeping with the recent British obsessions, both musical and personal, Foundations has been on repeat the entire week.  The lyrics are, I dare say, cheeky? (I couldn't help it.)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New York Bound

Dave and I are headed to a wedding in New Jersey this weekend and we get to stay at the brides pad on Friday night in New York!  It's Dave's first time to Manhattan since he was a kid and I don't know how I'm supposed to show him all of my favorite stuff in 24 hours.  I think we're going to start in Times Square and head south to SoHo, hitting landmarks along the way.  By landmarks I mean, "that's where we ate cheese fries served by alarmingly beautiful transvestites at 5 am".  The important kinds of landmarks. Not to mention the fact that we (I) get to hang out with the college girls on Saturday!  It's going to go so fast....

Photo Source

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Florence + the Machine

One of my resolutions (I hate that word, but that's what it is) is to re-edumacate myself on music.  I spent more time in college hunting down new songs with friends than watching tv...and maybe going to class.  So it's time to get out there, read some good blogs and download new tunes.  I came across Florence + the Machine the other day and I dig it.

Check out her other songs; You've Got the Love, Drumming Song and Dog Days Are Over.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Homemade Headboard

There is one major eyesore in our house, despite all of the work that's been done. It's our bedroom. Serial killers wake up in nicer bedrooms than ours. It's the classic decision to leave the bedroom until last because no one else sees it. Yet, we live here. We should have the nicest room in the house. We've started making minor changes and hope it's complete in the next few months. So I saw this headboard at Urban Outfitters and I thought it was adorable. I love any furniture with nail head trim.

We took the measurements from their site and went to Home Depot to pick up a piece of MDF.  Just your typical Saturday afternoon... sawing a hunk of wood off the back of the pick up truck in your driveway.  Our neighbors think we're a bunch of rednecks and I like it.
We sprayed the wood with some adhesive and put down the batting.  I bought a curtain for $5 from the Crate & Barrel outlet without unfolding it entirely before purchasing.  There was major sun damage and it couldn't be used.  So I put the sunbleached fabric down first and then put down the final layer of gray suede fabric.  

We bought nail head trim that comes packaged as a roll so that every ten nail heads needs to be nailed in, as opposed to individually nailng them in.  It would've been impossible to keep them straight.  Even the roll was harder than I thought.

We did the single layer of trim around the outside and, voila, it was done!  We think it looks pretty good for our first project like this.

Another angle that includes the gorgeous, gold mirror that my sister got us for our wedding!

The Urban Outfitters headboard is selling for $280 and we probably spent $50 to make ours.  Now we need to work on the rest of the room that you can't see!  

Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm baaaack!

Well hello again.  It's been quite a while since I've posted and, like most resolutions, it took about 2 weeks to kick in.  The holidays were busy with lots of family fun, some house projects and the third annual Ugly Sweater Party!  Our friends made it ridiculously easy to have them over.  We got a keg and some prosecco...they brought wine, beer, booze and enough food for 50 people.  Oh and I did have to dress Bruno in his own ugly Christmas sweater.  I know - it's become a problem.  Here's a little family pic;

All the pretty girls and their homemade outfits.  Please note a pregnant O in adult bunny pj's with feet!  I'll spare you the visual of her husband in an identical get-up.

I think everyone had a good time.  Lots of drinking games, spilled beer everywhere and some grown men singing "flip, flip, flipadelphia!" 

And it wouldn't be an official theme party without prizes!  We had some newcomers place, as well as our first joint, married champions.  Dave took this opportunity to fulfill his dream of impersonating Miss America;

We also squeezed in Avatar.....which was unbelievable!  So good that we wanted to document ourselves looking like a bunch of Avatards. 

So the resolution is on and I plan on posting more often.  I should have some new house reno project pictures soon!