This past weekend Caitlin, Dave, my dad and I took a road trip to Bloomington to visit the boys. I haven't been on a college campus with the intention of getting after it in years. My suspicions were confirmed...I cannot hang the way I used to. We got in late Friday night and met Michael out to have a drink and celebrate his 21st birthday at Kilroy's. (Apparently, Mark Cuban was there the next night.) We got exactly what we'd been hoping for; the bar was replete with sticky floors, multiple people falling on their faces and major makeout sessions in the middle of the bar. The next morning, after snoozing for two hours, we headed over to tailgates and were met with a bevy of red. Going to a small college with lousy colors didn't prepare me for the school spirit that was evident. I was also vastly unprepared for the plethora of jerseys....on both boys and girls. Basketball jerseys without shirts underneath. It's a look. I digress.
After tailgates, we hit a super fun house party, drank warm Keystone Lights, were sprayed with beer, serenaded by college boys singing Miley Cyrus, and made our way back to Mike's fraternity. Most of the boys were asleep after tailgates that morning, but slowly started to appear in the courtyard after we set up baseball/quarters. Here are a few actions shots;
Dave showing off his skills.

The sweet taste of victory.

The fam (sans Bridget and Mom).

After baseball, we decided it was time for (more) food and headed into town for Mother Bear's Pizza. The night starts to get hazy here, but I do know there was not a morsel of food left on the table. Perfect end to a perfect college Saturday.
And following the food theme of this trip, on Sunday morning we went to the Runcible Spoon for brunch. Apparently, they've been featured on Food Network and have won several awards. For good reason. It was this cute house with a big front yard/porch that had been transformed into the restaurant. The atmosphere was adorable and the food was great. If you're into koi ponds, check out the bathroom.

The fruit was an attempt to combat the McDonald's bender that we were on.

In addition to the food, the Runcible Spoon provided me with part of the name for this blog. Google the definition of runcible. It's not a word, which makes it the perfect adjective for a blog that doesn't know what it is. The heights part to follow...
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