Wednesday, August 18, 2010

And then you go and totally redeem yourself!

Dumb and Dumber, anyone?  It's only fair that I follow up the Anti-City post with one about how fabulous New York is.  I went to dinner last night with a good friend from high school at Morandi in the West Village.  The food was delicious, fun atmosphere, and great people watching.  I also got a nice little celebrity sighting there - Steve Buscemi and Stanley Tucci.  I think it was New York's way of saying "this city still kicks ass and don't you forget it".  Noted, New York.  I'll watch my words.


  1. Damn straight you will! I still haven't gotten a chance to properly show you around "my" new york. So you and the little one will have to make it out east at some point :)

  2. Maybe a rendezvous on our way to Turkey-Zilla 2011?
